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Cherishing All That’s Important to You

By on Apr 19, 2012 | 1 comment

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Earlier this evening, I found out that a friend from many years back had recently lost his father.

For some reason it didn’t seem real to me.

All I could conjure in my head was the memory of a vibrant father figure; an enormous grin glued on his face, cracking jokes, playing obnoxiously loud 80’s hair medal music and just generally being a big bundle of smiles.

Now, more than a decade after I last saw the man he has moved on to the next life. Which made me think …

Am I doing a good job of cherishing all the special people in my life?

You’d do well to ask yourself the same question. Even better, you’d do well to honestly answer that question.

Cherish the people in your life. You never know when they (or yourself) won’t be around anymore.

CEO at MKG Media Group

Aside from being the CEO at MKG Media Group, Mike is a dark beer aficionado with a healthy appetite for travel and pushing personal boundaries.

A proud graduate of Washington State University, Mike currently calls San Francisco home.

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